Apple cider vinegar or ACV falls in the class of vinegar which is derived from apple must or cider and has a pale to medium amber color. It is made by crushing and squeezing out the liquid from the apple. To start the alcoholic fermentation process, bacteria and yeast are added to the derived liquid. First the liquid turns in to the alcoholic form due to the sugar present and then the alcohol formed is turned into vinegar by Acetobacter.

Listed below are some uses and methods to use ACV in your regular diet:

1. Weight loss: It was the Japanese who found that drinking vinegar may help in the reduction of weight. According to the study, adding one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of lukewarm water and consuming it before each meal can help you reduce weight.

2. Curing acne: Apple cider vinegar can be used as perfect toner for acne prone skin. Also some studies claim that consuming acv orally has helped them achieve a clear skin. One can make a toner out of acv by mixing equal parts of acv along with water and storing in a spray bottle. This formula helps in evening out the skin tone, battling the breakouts in the skin and maintains the pH level of the skin.

3. Beneficial for hair: Harsh soaps and shampoos strip the skin and hair of their natural oils and moisture, leaving them dry and damaged. Rinsing your hair with apple cider vinegar helps in restoring the pH balance of the hair, getting rid of the itchy scalp, controlling the frizziness and adding luster and shine to the hair. Its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties help to get rid of dandruff and you can use apple cider vinegar rinse as a good preventative regimen.

4. Detoxification of liver: Detoxification sums up to removal of harmful environmental toxins and pollutants that build up in the body especially the liver. To improve the liver’s natural filtration process and boosting up the energy level, apple cider vinegar flushes out the toxins from the liver. Drinking one tablespoon of apple cider water with a glass of water before each meal helps on achieving a healthy body.

While apple cider vinegar is being seen as cure for numerous issues in the recent times, its benefits are still not completely tested. A small amount of acv can surely help you to fix some common problems such as weight loss and hair fall; but too much of anything is harmful. The acid in the apple cider vinegar can cause irritation to the throat and teeth while other components present in the vinegar may affect the blood sugar and potassium levels. A very important point to keep in mind is to never drink apple cider vinegar directly as there are chances that it may burn the esophagus. Just add a spoonful of vinegar to a glass of water and then consume it.